Last week Ros and I watched one of my favourite movies of all time – Fever Pitch.

Fever Pitch made in 1997,stars a youthful Coin Firth as an obsessed Arsenal supporter (UK soccer). It follows their exciting 1988/89 premiership season when Colin meets a fellow teacher and a romantic relationship develops. The thing is his girlfriend knows nothing about sport. So it’s a contrast between the two of them coming from completely different worlds as far as sport is concerned.

It’s a funny, moving movie, and all too familiar for me as a sports fan who has had a deep and loving relationship with someone who knew nothing about sport and the passion it evokes. In the movie and in real life, I have often heard those crazy words – But it’s only a game!

Legendary former Liverpool Manager Bill Shankly once said; Some people say football is a matter of life and death. I can assure you it’s much more important than that.

Which brings me to my good friend and fellow sports fan Lloyd Hunt (pictured). Like most sporting enthusiasts, Lloyd grew up a sports fan – his particular addiction was football (soccer). He loved to play and support his team Manchester United. Lloyd was a striker and in his best season he scored 24 goals in 8 games. Wow! Lloyd played football until he was 62 years old.

Lloyd’s interest in football has always been more than just playing. At one point he was supporting 12 different teams in 12 different football competitions in Australia and around the world. He would get up in the middle of the night to watch games, read about games, comment on games. He even convinced his loving wife Jill to travel around Russia with him, to support the Socceroos at the 2018 World Cup.

But hold the phone, something has changed in Lloyd’s life. Lloyd no longer watches, reads or comments on football matches. In fact he has decided to take a complete break from football for 12 months – even from his beloved Man United.

Why? Why would you do that? Lloyd is so passionate about his football. I mean it is only soccer but still, you can tell he loves the game.

Lloyd feels God is leading him away from soccer at least for the next 12 months. That football has become like a God to him and perhaps his time would be better spent reading, contemplating and doing the will of God. Of helping out more at church and in the community.

Lloyd believes God’s love and purpose for our lives is far more important than sport.

Crazy stuff right. I know he seems such a sensible guy.

Over 2,00 years ago the Apostle John had a vision regarding some local churches. He wrote about issues in these churches in the first three chapters of Revelation. In Chapter 3 he writes about the church at Laodicea and how they were lukewarm. They had become content in their wealth and weren’t hot or cold for God. They had become bland and indifferent towards others. They were criticised for being half-hearted Christians. Their money and possessions had become their God.

Have we in this era of wealth, sport, celebrity and social media become half-hearted Christians?

Lloyd feels he has been drifting from week to week. That he has not been in an everyday relationship with God. By giving up one of his Gods (football), he wants to change that.

Do you feel like you are drifting in your relationship with God? That there is more you can do to develop that relationship and for others?

I am astonished, amazed, aghast at what Lloyd is doing. But I admire it. Shows a true heart for God – certainly not lukewarm.

Are you a lukewarm Christian? It’s easy to just drift along with the tide of life.

Do you feel the need to be closer to God? That you could do more or give more to others if you gave up something?

You may not have to go as far as Lloyd and give up something so substantial. I felt God telling me recently not to spend as much time on fantasy football and so now when my mind wanders to it, I try and think of God. To praise him. It’s only a small change but probably one in the right direction.

What will you do?

Go with God.

Peter O’Sullivan

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